Monday, February 18, 2008

Why I don't eat beef

USDA Orders Largest Meat Recall in U.S. History -

Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, February 18, 2008; Page A01

The Agriculture Department has ordered the largest meat recall in its history -- 143 million pounds of beef, a California meatpacker's entire production for the past two years -- because the company did not prevent ailing animals from entering the U.S. food supply, officials said yesterday.

About 37 million pounds of the meat -- cuts, ground beef and prepared products such as meatballs and burrito filling -- went to school lunch and other public nutrition programs, and "almost all of this product is likely to have been consumed," said Ron Vogel, a USDA administrator.

The investigation leading to the recall happened after an employee secretly taped employees giving electric shocks and high pressure water sprays to cows too sick to stand up, and sent the video to the Humane Society.


At 2/18/08, 11:08 AM, Blogger Benjamin Wright said...

The effectiveness of the Humane Society's video (which triggered this recall) demonstrates how technology compels all citizens and organizations to be ever more diligent about complying with laws and regulations.


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