Sunday, March 25, 2007

More garden space

Here's my back yard with the green manure crop I planted last fall.

And here it is after I mowed it so it wouldn't go completely berserk after tomorrow's expected rain.

I left as many of the fava beans as was feasible. They were supposed to be all in one clump, but somehow got scattered in different parts of the garden. Now I have to prevail on a friend to dig his rototiller out of the barn so I can borrow it, or rent one myself.

I've fenced out the deer, and I haven't seen any gophers back there lately, so I'm crossing my fingers that I can augment my driveway garden with a big space to grow squash and other space-hogging plants.

Oh, and here's a bouquet of pea blossoms I picked before weed-wacking the crop.

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