Common sense about mosques and Muslims
I'm dumbfounded by this whole "ground zero mosque" controversy. Insensitive to the feelings of families of 9/11 victims? What about the families of 9/11 victims who were Muslims? Wouldn't NOT building a mosque be insensitive to THEIR feelings? If it's sacred ground, it should be sacred for everyone who suffered grief on that day.
I'm for building the mosque right next door to the WTC. What a wonderful gesture of healing between moderate Islam and America. Muslims all over the world would look at the mosque and say, America is a good country. The only Muslims who wouldn't like it would be Muslim extremists. The last thing they want would be for America to look like a tolerant country to mainstream Muslims.
Go out and make friends with your Muslim neighbor, storekeeper, mechanic, or computer technician. They have no more interest in terrorism than moderate Christians have in killing abortion doctors in the name of Christ.
Let's remember that right after 9/11, thousands held a candlelight vigil for America--in Iran! Islam did not bring down the WTC. A bunch of extremists with their own issues did it.
Labels: ground zero, mosque, Muslims