Thursday, August 14, 2008

Today's fresh catch

I went out to the garden to get a tomato for a tomato and cheese sandwich. Came back with a mini-harvest of
4 tomatoes
3 potatoes
1 pepper
38 tomatillos
3 onions
5 beets
41 green beans

The 38 tomatillos mean there will be some salsa verde in the near future.

My kitchen is fragrant with another bumper crop of white nectarines. One of the small blessings of global-warming-induced spring drought.

If you have a garden, be sure to get out there once a day and get your hands dirty. Pull some weeds, search for potatoes, or just sift through the soil. Soil microbes have been shown to stimulate production of serotonin, the body's natural anti-depressant. All you have to do is get them on your skin, and they do the rest.

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